Java Runtime (JRE)

Java Runtime (JRE)

The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is an implementation of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) that executes java programs. Visit the Java website for more information.

* is used throughout this documentation as a place holder for the version of the referenced object.

Install Java Runtime (JRE)

  1. Download the latest rpm install file from Sun’s website
    1. Open the Java SE downloads page in a browser
    2. Click the Download button for the Java SE Runtime Environment (JRE)
    3. Select the Linux option for the Platform Select Box
    4. Check the I agree to the Java SE Runtime Environment 6 with JavaFX License Agreement checkbox
    5. Click the Continue button
    6. Download the Java SE Runtime Environment RPM file
      Click the jre-*-linux-i586-rpm.bin file
    7. Allow executing file as program (run the following command)
      chmod 0755 jre-*-linux-i586-rpm.bin
    8. Execute the file
    9. Read and accept to license
    10. Delete bin and rpm files
      rm -f jre-*-linux-i586-rpm.bin
      rm -f jre-*-linux-i586.rpm
    11. Set the /usr/bin/java link
      1. Delete the existing /usr/bin/java link
        rm -f /usr/bin/java
      2. Create a new /usr/bin/java link
        ln -s /usr/java/jre*/bin/java /usr/bin
    12. Create an alternatives link
      alternatives --install /usr/bin/java java /usr/java/jre*/bin/java 90
    13. Set the alternatives java to be the default
      alternatives --config java
      Select the /usr/java/jre*/bin/java option
    14. Register Java Plugin with Firefox
      1. Ensure the Firefox plugins folder exists
        mkdir /usr/lib/firefox-*/plugins
      2. Create a symbolic link to the Java Plugin in the Firefox Plugins Directory
        ln -s /usr/java/jre*/plugin/i386/ns7/ /usr/lib/firefox-*/plugins
      3. Restart Firefox

Test Java Runtime (JRE)

  1. Visit the Java Runtime test website.


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